I just bought 2 pounds of shellac flakes, for the first time.
I just want to know what is the best way to store these flakes (for a few months)?
They are now packed in a plastic bag.
I just bought 2 pounds of shellac flakes, for the first time.
I just want to know what is the best way to store these flakes (for a few months)?
They are now packed in a plastic bag.
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I've heard mixed reports on the shelf life of Shellac flakes. Most commonly I've heard storing them in a cool dark place, sealed in plastic bag they are good forever almost. However, some have come on here saying there having problems with shellac after a year on the shelf.... When mixed, it won't dry...
I use in small quantities and keep it sealed up good...
Sealed in the plastic bag should be good for at least a year, but for two or three months, storing them in alcohol will work fine, and make it easier to use, too. :) As BG said, I mix no more than I will go through in a couple of months and store it the same way.
I store them in a plactic screw up container or coffee can. The best tip on shellac I heard this year was using a coffee grinder to grind them up before mixing. Gosh, that works great.
"Sir, I may be drunk, but you're crazy, and I'll be sober tomorrow" -- WC Fields, "Its a Gift" 1934
I've had trouble with mine disolving from the git go. Got a couple pounds of super blond dewaxed flakes about a year ago. They have been stored in the original (sealed) plastic bags that are kept inside of a plastic tub with a sealing lid. The tub is kept inside of a closed cabinet.
Right now I'm trying to disolve 3 heaping tablespoons of flakes in 1 qt of denatured alcohol. About half have yet to disolve and they been there for about a month. Every few days I give the jar a good shake. When i strain the mixture those that haven't disolved are the consistency of rubbery jello.
I bought these from a web site whose link I got here. Don't remember who it was.
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy (maker of fine sawdust!)PlaneWood
Mike if you grind them up they will dissolve faster. I borrowed a mortar and pestel then switched to a coffee grinder (dedicated) to grind the stuff down to a coarse powder. Dissolves in about a day. Try it, it really works.
"Sir, I may be drunk, but you're crazy, and I'll be sober tomorrow" -- WC Fields, "Its a Gift" 1934
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