I am a full access member, so why do I continually get offers to sign up?
Does FFW not know I’m already a member?
I am a full access member, so why do I continually get offers to sign up?
Does FFW not know I’m already a member?
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My experience is that the web site in particular, and the emails as well, don't really know the difference between a subscriber and a non-subscriber (I assume non-subscribers are blocked form some content, but otherwise it does not seem to know I am an unlimited subscriber). There is ALWAYS a "Subscribe" button in the upper left. While browsing the web site and logged in I see pop-ups routinely offering this or that offer, sometimes fine woodworking stuff, sometimes for tools etc. It is very frustrating to pay and have to keep closing pop-ups. I have commented, gently I hope, and have not heard much other than "even as an employee we see these, nothing we can do about it." Personally, if I am paying for access, I fee these things should not be there. If I am viewing for free, well then that is a different story.
Totally agree with ctsailor.
It is frustrating and offensive.
And the operator doesn't seem to give a hoot about it.
I have a full subscription to another content provider and I get the same thing. The constant hustle does cheapen the experience.
I am a web designer with my own business for these last 12 years. A reasonable command of CSS and PHP by whomever is looking after this website and those popups could be set to not appear to whichever users the site's admin chooses. Be it admin, editor, contributor or subscriber, including the various types of membership available such as Unlimited, print subscription etc.
I could give you reasons whey they are not configured in such a way but it is not my place to second guess the publishers of this website. I hope this helps.
There is a need to up their game. Repeats and slow turnaround on new articles
aren't cutting it.
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