Swapping out a Jet Lock fence for a UniFence
I recently purchased a UniSaw 34-466 that came with a JetLock fence. I came across UniFence and UniFence rail that I would like to use. Does anyone have experience doing this, perhaps plans to share?
I recently purchased a UniSaw 34-466 that came with a JetLock fence. I came across UniFence and UniFence rail that I would like to use. Does anyone have experience doing this, perhaps plans to share?
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I don't think you should have any trouble. I can't tell you off the top of my head what my exact model of Unisaw is and I bought it with the Unifence at the time 30 + years ago but the Jetlock was still the standard fence at the time. The Unifence was greatly underrated at the time and is a terrific fence and I still use it today. I laugh when I see someone make a big deal about the High-low fences available today and how great they are the Unifence introduced that a long time ago.
This may help
Thank you, big help! Question, can you provide me with the dimensions of the front and rear table support brackets? Also, what is the point of the rear table support bracket? It doesn't seem to support the fence at all. Is it to further strengthen the table itself?
I long ago scraped the original table board it was laminate covered particleboard and began sagging in the center affecting the function of the fence. My current side extension table is a torsion box with 3/4 MDF on both sides covered in laminate which also houses my router table. I strongly urge you to build a stronger table than specified and yes the rear table support has no bearing on the fence but simply supports the table
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