Hello names Mathew I’m new here and having a little trouble with my table saw alignment. It’s seems I’ve done a good job aligning the blad to miter slot at 90 * but when I set it to 45 it looks and cuts high and to the right I’m thinking that the back reunion is a little higher than the front. But wanted to see if anyone else has delt with and or fixed one of these issues before thanks?- skilsaw 81/4 spt99t-01
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I think he did --- skilsaw.
He added it. All good.
Read this article and give it a try.
Back when I got started I had the same issue. This saved the day for me.
Good luck.
Thanks much It helps
The skilsaw 81/4 spt99t-01 appears to be a contractor type saw, where you adjust the trunnion rather than the table itself. If the blade is out of alignment on a 45-deg setting then you need to shim the trunnion at one end or the other. Whichever end of the blade is farther from the table needs to be shimmed to drop that end of the trunnion. Unfortunately, this is a trial and error process unless you are really good at math and measurements. But once complete you should not have to address it again.
Thank you this is exactly what it needed I know it's not the best but work with what I got right I appreciate the quick response.