I would like to hear from those who have used both the SawStop and the new Powermatic PM2000. All safety rhetoric aside, I am interested in their wood cutting capabilities and their ease of use/maintenance and any set up issues. What do you like and dislike about either?
Thanks in advance for any comments and opinions.
Table saws are a pretty simple machine. Both those saws--and the other Powermatic the 66, as well as the Unisaw from Delta, or the General saws will cut wood all just about the same, and will have almost, not quite, exactly the same set up and maintenance issues. For that matter, the next tier--Jet, Grizzley, and others are pretty close, with fit and finish sometimes affecting set up or maintenance. Nonetheless the differences among them all really are the other factors such as Riving knife and blade stop feature. Otherwise all the cabinet saws will cut very similarly. The fact that one saw has beefier trunnions is just not relevant to the cutting by the time you reach the cabinet saw design group.
The other major grouping--the sliding table saws--still cut the about same, but the way in which the wood is presented to the blade is so different that these are in another category.
If it's safety rhetoric aside, then you should be looking for a used cabinet saw.
Thanks all, for your input.
Perhaps it was a stupid post - something I should just go out and find out for myself. I did not mean it to sound like I am not concerned with safety. I just did not want to be bombarded with emotional or self-promoting comments on the pros and cons of the SawStop's safety features.
Perhaps JohnWW could comment as he has set up and maintained both saws (I believe) at FWW. He's a pretty straight arrow when it comes to objective comparisons.GlauconIf you don't think too good, then don't think too much...
Edited 9/19/2006 11:05 am ET by Glaucon
Thanks Glaucon, I checked out some JohnWW comments. They were helpful.
Thanks again
Following up on Glaucon's mention of JohnWW:
Doesn't address your specific comparison question, but pretty clear about the quality of the saw.
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Thanks forestgirl. That is the kind of info I was looking for. In other words, could the saw hold its own if it did not have the blade brake.
Thanks again
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