Other than cutting large sheets of plywood, will I miss anything else if I get a cabinet saw w/ a 30″ fence rather than a 50″ fence? I have limited space, but don’t want to regret the purchase of the PM66 w/ 30″ fence.
Other than cutting large sheets of plywood, will I miss anything else if I get a cabinet saw w/ a 30″ fence rather than a 50″ fence? I have limited space, but don’t want to regret the purchase of the PM66 w/ 30″ fence.
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I lamented many a night about whether to buy the 50" or 30".
Here are my reasons for the 30"
Limited space.
I had a extention rails for my former BT-3000. I attached them maybe 10 times in the 10 plus years of owning that saw.
I cut sheet goods with a guide and a sacrificial table.
I cut long boards on my chop saw.
I need to park the convertible in the garage.
Girlfriend would kill me.
Wanted room for other tools.
Woodworking is my hobby. Ok... little more than a hobby. lol
It's not just the 50" fence but the size of the off feed tables and side tables.
Haven't regreted the 30" fence yet. Especially when I had the space for the 20" Delta bandsaw I inherited.
Just my opinion.
Good luck in what ever decision you make.
I pretty much agree with what len said..except the girlfriend part...because we all know size dosen't matter (sorry: couldn't help myself)
Also, there are workarounds for a 30" to the left of the blade when its needed. However, as len said, its much safer to cut sheets of ply with a straight edge and circular saw. Lastly, you can always swap out the rails if you feel its necessary in the future....no big deal.
Unless you're building a lot of kitchen style cabinets, the extra width really won't be missed. But if that extra 20" isn't really that critical, I'd opt for the 50". I guess the question is does the planned placement of saw really define how a 30' vs. 50" will be used? If you can't productively use the the extra space created by a 30", then why not get the 50". The problem of over-sized out table for a 50" is easily solved by building the standing out table to accommodate the majority of your work and using an aux. table that will slip into place on those ocassions when you need full width. Oh, is the 30" really net 30"? One fence system I recently install on a 2nd TS was advertised as 30" but it really translated to about 26" left of the blade.
I have a 50" on 1 saw and a 30" on another.
The extra 20" is hardly a real need, just nice the few times needed.
As for the outfeed, use a normal table and fill in only as necessary.
I filled it with a full time router table and just remove the fence
when I need the extra cutting length.
Thanks everybody. This is a big help. I think I'm going w/ the 30" fence.
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