I have a newer Delta CS and the new switch is mounted on the fence rail. I can actually lean into during a cut and kill it in a second if anything starts to get out of kilter. This is not the design thinking I’ll bet but it’s a great kill switch if your wanting to stop an operation. I’m not fooling myself into thinking this will prevent any accidents but on several questionable cuts recently I was able bail out and reasses the matter. The old CS had a switch on the “box” and you were basically committed to finishing your cut or lettin’ go and ducking!! (never had to do that)
I think this is a great thing! I’m not sure all the newer saws come with the switch so far out and it depends on where you stand but it’s in a perfect place for me to easily turn off with both hands controlling the board.
Ain't life great.. ha..ha.. The switch is in a good location. I moved the switch on my saw to the rail mounted on a magnet so I could position it exactly where I wanted it. It is safer, more convenient and just makes sense.
If you want to see something unique, take a look at the stop switch offered by General for some of thier saws. Hard to miss that one with your knee. Go to accessories on site.
Happy and safe sawing...
Sarge -
Did you wire in an aftermarket switch or just re-position the stock switch? I like the idea of having a kill switch a bit more acceptable. Both on the TS and the jointer.
I got a replacement switch for my lathe (remote kill) which isn't the same as the original that went south on me. Powermatic claims it's the proper switch but it's not the same. I think I should know since I have both of them sitting in front of me! I'd go so far as re-wiring the lathe (even while it's under warranty) if I could restore the safety aspect I had with the old one.
Dennis in Bellevue WA
I wired the stock switch. It had the bump-off type trigger so I felt no need to go to anything else. I can pop it with my hand or left hip to get it shut down. I think you will be happy if you put it up there where you can chose exactly what is most convenient and safest for the way you position yourself at the saw or jointer. I may take you up on the jointer thing. Good idea.
BTW, saw in another thread that you had the PM lathe. I've been very busy this winter with Xmas and a 40" parts counter I'm building for my company. Been kind of spotty on the forum and didn't notice you got it. Congrats... I know you have kind of drifted into a turner. Glad you're enjoying that. I might give it a try someday, if time allows.
Have a great day...
I think a knee off type switch should be standard equipment on a table saw. Something you can trigger w/o taking your hands or eyes off what you're doing.
I've had a couple of cuts where something didn't feel right I'd have loved to stop the saw and rethink things. But, to do that I have to release the wood with one hand and fumble for the switch. Bad option. Or, back out of the cut. Worse option. So I finished the cut.
I picked up some used start/stop switch boxes off ebay. One w/ a emergency stop mushroom type off button. Gonna set that up with a hinged spring loaded bar that'll be able to knee off from anywhere. I've seen a picture or two of homemade devices like this.
In my opinion they're a great idea.
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