Hi, I’m a intermediate wood worker, but a novice equipment owner. I just purchased two tables saws (long story) and after setting up both, I’ve been successful with one, and I am stumped with the other.
My craftsman pro cabinet saw is set up successfully and has a great result with a level table.
My other saw however (Delta Unisaw) is being stubborn. For the life of me, I cannot get the entire saw table area level. The left portion of the saw has a cast iron top, with one narrow iron extention wing to the left. These to pieces are level and ok. However to the right of the cast iron is the standard Delta gray formica-like extention wing that is 31 inches from front to back, 50 inches L to right. When I take a 72″ level and span it from the left cast iron wing to the far right end of the formica I’ve got a gap underneath the level, otherwise a big dip in my table surface from one end to the other.
I’ve tried everything; the right end of the formica cannot go any lower as the support legs are on thier shortet setting and resting on the mobile base. I cannot raise the left end of the formica table either, otherwise I create an innappropriate lip/shelf between the cast iron and the formica joint (which should be smooth and seamless.)
Do I just need to replace the gray delta extension table altogether? Is it common for these tables to warp or go funny over time? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Best–High hopes for my Unisaw
Edited 8/4/2007 2:40 pm ET by itsallaboutwalnut
The laminate covered side tables supplied with table saws vary greatly in quality, but none are great examples of woodworking, so it is likely that the table is warped.
John W.
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