I am looking for a sorce for the tail vice mounting hardware that Scott Landis describes on pages 70 & 76 of his The Workbench Book any help would be great
Thank you McGrewSr
I am looking for a sorce for the tail vice mounting hardware that Scott Landis describes on pages 70 & 76 of his The Workbench Book any help would be great
Thank you McGrewSr
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Not sure about that exact hardware. Have you looked at the tail vise hardware sold by Lee Valley? I bought mine there and it looks exactly like the one used by Tom Nelson (p.76). Only complaint I have is that the machined grooves in the upper and lower guide plates had about 27 coats of paint in them.
Jeff How long ago did you by yours I called Lee Valley and they said that they did not have them. Do you by chance have any identifing No's.
The set up looks like it would make a much cleaner set up.
Thanks for the reply
They're still in the new Lee Valley catalogue, p. 153, item #70G09.01, costs $67.50. Also see Garrett Wade item # 70G03.02 (15", $74.95), and # 70G04.02 (19.5", $119.95); or Woodcraft item # 17D01 (15", $74.99) and # 17D02 (19.5", $119.99).
Look in the Woodcraft catolog. 1-800-225-1153.
My bench is 90% of the one you are looking at. It's been serving me well for 12-13 years. I purchased the hardware from Woodcraft back then and it's still in their latest catolog.
I am looking for the mounting brackets not the bench screw. This mounting is made of steel and it allows you to not have the ell of wood. Looks like it would make a much cleaner set up. I checked with Wiidwirkers supply, Garrett-Wade and Lee Valley and they don't carrythem. Thanks John
Try this link, it is to Woodcraft. I just bought this, and a Record face vise for my bench.
Just finished planing legs this evening.
Item "C" in the Woodcraft catalog reference from Jay is the one I used and it is the exact item used in the bench on page 76-77. All the metal parts come as an assembly, benchplate, guideplates, benchscrew, benchscrew sleeve and benchscrew flange. I'm not sure what you mean by "ell". No ell is required.
Edited 10/14/2002 10:52:53 AM ET by Howie
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