Say you had a 1/2″ thick sheet of plexiglass and needed to tap a hole that was drilled beginning on the edge and continuing in 3 in. What type of thread density would you choose, coarse or fine? The strain on the anchor will be fairly minimal.
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Can't say I've ever tried it, but there are special taps for this:
I've done this many times with regular fine thread metal taps. I use the lube oil from my air tools. When going through tap from the back for a neater appearance. If blind tapping pull the tap back out often to clean off chips...they tend to compress and jam. Don't skimp on the oil.
Thanks for the advice guys. I'd like to use a specialty tap like the Mcmaster but they're a bit on the expensive side. I'll probably go ahead with my regular tap set and back out often as MJ mentions.
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