When was Ernest Joyce’s Technique Of Furniture Making first published.
Is the book worth having for reference, or is it a primer of Woodworking
When was Ernest Joyce’s Technique Of Furniture Making first published.
Is the book worth having for reference, or is it a primer of Woodworking
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"Since its first publication in 1970 The Technique of Furniture Making has established itself as the bible for all woodworkers. More recently it has been thoroughly revised to take account of the considerable changes in the craft, so that it continues to be as useful and relevant to today's furniture makers. This revised edition is now available for the first time in paperback.
The book is in three parts, the first part dealing with materials, tools and techniques, the second part with advanced construction techniques and metal fittings and the third part with running a workshop, draughtsmanship, furniture designs and restoration. New for the revised edition is a colour section on wood identification and examples of some of the best pieces of modern furniture design."
Sounds like a pretty good book. The "Encyclopedia of Furniture Making" is also a classic.
I think the 'encyclopedia' and the 'techniques' are the same book...seperated by a pond.
Interesting. Thanks for the feedback.
Thanks for the input. That answers my questions.
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