I am seeking a new 16″ tenon saw and am considering the Lie Nielsen 16″, a Wenzloff 16″ (or maybe the Wenzloff -Disston 77) or a Bad Axe 16″. Anyone have any opinions on how these (or other) saws stack up against each other?
I am seeking a new 16″ tenon saw and am considering the Lie Nielsen 16″, a Wenzloff 16″ (or maybe the Wenzloff -Disston 77) or a Bad Axe 16″. Anyone have any opinions on how these (or other) saws stack up against each other?
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Tenon saw advice
I have the LN 16" tenon saw. It has a little more hang to the tote than I would like, but this is purely subjective. I got use to the saw very quickly and am totally happy with it. The saw cuts very smoothly, is easy to start, and tracks a line perfectly. The back on the LN is slotted brass. The Bad Axe saw uses a folded steel back and I believe a thicker saw plate which should make the saw slightly heavier than the LN (not a bad thing). The Wenzloff is also a thicker saw plate. In rip, LN and Bad Axe saws are filed 11 ppi while the Wenzloff is 10 ppi. The LN has a slight rake which is why it cuts so smoothly. Bad Axe and Wenzloff offer custom filing so you can have theirs any way you want (including more or less teeth per inch).
The bottom line, satisfaction with any tool is highly subjective. All three companies make great saws that perform well and will do the job. Of the three, LN is the less expensive and the quickest to ship. I don't believe Wenzloff is taking orders at the present time, but check with them to be sure.
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