Sorry to ask a bit of a stupid question. What length and diameter is a 16d nail? We don’t use the term in the UK. Does it follow that an 8d nail is exactly half the length?
Many thanks.
Sorry to ask a bit of a stupid question. What length and diameter is a 16d nail? We don’t use the term in the UK. Does it follow that an 8d nail is exactly half the length?
Many thanks.
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I'll answer this before Matt gets to it just so I can rant.
The penny weight nail system was invented by the British, exported to the colonials, and then you gave it up, but we're still stuck with it, so don't blame us
There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the penny scale, 8d nails aren't half the length of a 16d for instance. The easiest approach is to just go to a chart. This site has a good one:
Nail diameter is determined by the type of nail not just its length. A 12d common nail is bigger in diameter than a 12d trim nail for instance.
John White
Hi John
Thanks so much for your speedy reply. I have bought several excellent books through Taunton (mainly to do with roofing and framing) and the 16d and 8d nail references have always been a bit of a puzzle. Your answer and the link you gave are most helpful.
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