Hello: Just returned from OSH with two gallons of what I thought was straight mineral spirts. Finally reading the label it say mineral sprits with paint conditioner, is this any different then regular spirits?
Thanks, KDM
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December 15 1791
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No, it's just a way to make it cheaper. The question is, what is "conditioner".
Most of the time if the can says "Pain Thinner" in big letters it is a blend of mineral spiruits and conditioners. If it says "100% Mineral Spirits" then that is the real deal. The conditioners in paint thinner keep the thinner from flashing off as fast and slow the drying process a little to improve flowout. It also usually costs about $.80 less per gallon (those conditioners must cost less than mineral spirits). I have used both interchangeably and never noticed a difference. But when it really counts I use high quality stuff.
You are correct that paint thinner, particularly those labeled "Odorless" act as a retarder. That's good in some cases where you want to slow down the flash off of the solvents. For example, there are now "fast dry" poly varnishes being marketed which set up so fast that they sometimes do not flow out or level correctly. Using an odorless paint thinner will make for a smoother finish with less brush strokes.Howie.........
"if the can says "Pain Thinner" in big letters it is a blend of mineral spiruits "LOL, my pain thinner involves spirits of a different kind - after work to make the pain go away;)
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with paint conditioner..
Like a woman with eye shadow.. Just sort of prettier?
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