I’m not sure where to post this message so I thought I’d try here. I need to replace a wooden handle that screws into a good old iron cooking pot I have. The threads on the handle have worn down to the point where it can be pulled out. It’s about 7″ long and tapered. The narrowest point of the thread is about 5/8″ diameter and goes up to about 3/4″ diameter (the widest portion of the threaded part of handle). I’d appreciate any help on how to make a replacement or who I can go to. Thanks. Bill
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Give me an approximate number of threads per inch and I'll check my threadboxes for something close. If memory serves me, most in the 1/2", 5/8", 3/4" are around six tpi, but I have a number of oddball ones. I can run a short, straight section of the max dia, and you can rasp/file it to fit. What material? maple or oak? Have you a lathe to finish turn the handle? Now that I think about it .... 3/4"-6tpi is the standard for push broom handles in this neck of the woods ...perhaps? Years ago, I replaced a frying pan handle by repeatedly force-threading, rasping away the discolored wood, until I had a snug fitting facsimile of the inside of the iron stub. In the meantime, you can wrap the existing threaded handle with string and screw it back in....wouldn't want to go without eating!
*John, Thanks alot for your reply. The pot was made in Belgium for export to the U.S. I mention this because I think their threading standards may be different from ours, but I'm not sure about this. What do you think? The threads are worn down almost completely flat, but it looks like about 9 per inch. More precise measurements: 9/16" diameter at the end of the handle, that is the part of the handle that first enters the iron stub of the pot when inserting it; and 13/16" diameter at the widest part of the threading that shows when the handle is all the way in the stub. Of course, these measurements don't take into account the height of the threading. I'm really not choosy about the material, as long as it will last. I don't have a lathe, but can find someone who does. Sounds like I'm in pretty bad shape doesn't it? Bill
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