Tool for infeed and outfeed table coplaner adjustment on a Delta DJ-20 jointer

Trying to get my infeed and outfeed tables a little more in plane by turning the eccentric rings that raise and lower each corner. The rings have two notches (see pic). Anyone know of a tool that will aid in turning the rings? I tried using a punch but it starts dinging up the notch. I did remove the top allen screw and loosen the bottom allen screw at each ring location that lock in the rings in place. Thanks
Pin Spanner wrench. (for holes on face)
Ben Brunick adjusted a 16" delta recently and posted some in progress videos
Just to close this out, in case someone in the future is looking for same tool. I couldn't find a pin spanner that would fit the notches. The notches are 3/32" wide and deep. The ring has an outside diameter 1-3/8". I ended up making a tool out of a piece of beech and cutting a 3/32" allen wrench into a couple pieces to fit in the notches.
Very, very nice.
Awesome.... you'll need that allen wrench by Monday.
I can't ever bring myself to get rid of an allen wrench. I've got a huge box of them. They keep giving me more!
The Delta manual entitled "Jointer Table Adjustment Procedure for jointers with parallelism table action." was posted on VintageMachinery. The image quality is poor, but the information for this flavor of Delta jointers is very handy.
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