Tool that’s helpful and boring

Here’s one I use on the drill press quite a bit and I thought it might be handy in other applications I haven’t considered. It allows me to bore a straight hole at an exact entry point and an exact exit point without a bunch of fussing and fretting. This is very useful when boring holes in a rifle stock. Rather than beat you to death with words, here’s a few photos. This one never got past the editors when I sent it to the magazine years ago but here’s another attempt at reaching the bigger audience.
Very ingenious. I had to look at the 2nd and 3rd photos to "get it" but then I realized you were aligning the bit with the screw then using the point of the screw to fix the exit point of the drilled hole.
Sometimes a picture is worth a 1000 words.
Thanks for the tip.
Do you have some way of securing the workpiece so that it can't move while drilling or do you just keep a steady hand and use relatively small diameter bits?
Chris @ flairwoodworks
- Success is not the key to happines. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer
I do use a a brace for most things. I put this out as a concept jig for another forum I participate in from time to time. You can engineer this for something you do that's perhaps unique or something you do over and over. Sky is the limit on that one. Imagination.
Splendid, brilliant, ingenious and best of all with the pictures, self-explanatory. Thanks for sharing. Al
very ingenious... you should sent it to other magazines then if you were snubbed by this one...even the Beatles were turned down by a record label.
Getting turned down. In truth the turn down is OK. You throw your idea in the hat and hope for the bite. What got me down was.. not winning the prize. Back when I sent it in, they were handing out some nice tools.
Now I wasn't really thinking I was going to beat out the other 4 or 5 submissions but as I recall the winner was a guy that proposed another way to store pipe clamps. It was really lame. I walked around like Charlie Brown for about a minute then I got back to the fun stuff.. woodworking.
Another way to store pipe clamps!? Are you gonna tell us what it was or keep us in suspense?! :^)
Great idea!
Wish I could say it was my idea. Its a rifle builder idea I adjusted. Hope you find a use for it some time.
Dan, thanks a zillion, ya just solved two problems with jigs for me . Paddy
Good Deal. Just keep boring....wood.
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