Little help please. Searching for an old article to make a trapazoidal jewelry box. This box is five (5) levels, single pivot point at the apex. The article was several years ago, and after a couple moves I can no longer locate the issue. Made one for my wife years ago, yet now even making drawings from hers, would still like to have the original article.
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You might try American Woodworker, Issue 65, pages 48-51.
thanks, could have sworn it was in Fine Woodworking, I'll check that issue you mentioned.
Few months back you offered a possible source for a trapazoid jewelry box i was looking for. You mentioned American Woodworker issue 65. Would you happen to have this issue? American woodworker back issues only go back to 71.
I'm fairly certain I have that issue. Email me with your name and address and I'll mail you a copy of the article.
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