Trip to New York from United Kingdom

On the 3rd October 2007 I will be 50 years young.My good wife and I are planning a Christmas trip to New York
I believe the wife may be go shopping
My question Can anyone guide me to a shop were I can buy tools or how practical is it to order tools from Woodcraft and have them delivered to my hotel
Please, Please, help!
Why should my wife have all the fun
regards Charnwood
Go see Tools for Working Wood in Manhattan. Great selection of hand tools and an attached museum of collectors tools.
There's a Woodcraft store in Norwalk, Connecticut. About 1.5 hr by car from Manhattan; maybe less, maybe more, depending on traffic and how fast/carefully you drive. If you contact them, I'd bet they'd work something for you.
Have fun! --RoyH
Woodcraft ships from the main warehouse so it doesn't matter which store you call.
I would imagine the good folks at Lie-Nielsen and Lee Valley will deliver to your hotel anything your heart and plastic desire. Tom
i'm sure you could order from anywhere in the US/Canada and have it delivered to the hotel. I'd just call the hotel and woodcraft (or whereever) and verify before you order.
I believe is in NYC. I have purchased from them through the mail, never in person.
Sadly, about a year ago Garrett Wade closed the store that was in downtown Manhattan. They work only by mail order now.
David Ring
Thanks for the info, David.
"I believe that my wife may go shopping."
Do you have any doubts?
Your trip to NYC reminds me of a business trip 30 years ago (my first). I arranged to have some goods delivered to my hotel. Well, I called the hotel to ascertain whether said goods had arrived with the enquiry:
"Has a parcel arrived for me from X?"
"No, sir" came the reply. So I called the shop:
"Oh! yes sir, we delivered that 2 hours ago". Back to the hotel:
"Are you sure there's no parcel for me?"
"Yes, nothing for you".
Well this went on for about three rounds and eventually someone in the office, obviously getting fed up, shouted:
"Ask for a package!" Back to the hotel:
"Has a package arrived for me from X?"
"Yes, Sir" came the prompt and polite reply!
I have now lived in the US for nearly 24 years. It's easy to get caught by some of the linguistic differences.
Enjoy your stay and various shopping excursions. Assuming the dollar doesn't change that much, you will feel like a pasha and be able to afford anything that delights your fancy.
I have used the Tools for Working Wood, mentioned earlier, by mail order. They provide excellent service and I am sure they will be glad to help you in any way they can.
Not a tool place but there is a Thomas Moser gallery there. Awesome woodworking.
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