Triton router: do both have hand cranks?
When i view the options of the 2.25 hp router i see the above table crank as part of the package.When i see the 3.25 hp,i don’t see the hand crank for above table adjustment,is that not an option on the 3.25 hp? I like the idea of above table adjustments, but i also want more beef[3.25], in case i use it for raised panels etc. thanks rob
I was told by the new distributors of Triton- HTC Products, that the new 3.25 model would in fact have the above table crank. That was in September. So far, there has been no news of any new product release.
I own the Triton 2.25. In a conversation this past month with them over a replacement part, they told me both routers now sport the above table crank.
I recommend your getting clarification from Triton whether this crank can be used as an above the table total height adjustment or just a final tweaking adjustment. I stripped the plastic adjustment gear in less than 5 minutes of use on the 2.25HP. They originally told me it was only for small movements to hone in on the final cutting height. I don't plan on using it anymore, so I didn't press the issue.
The 3.25 does not have a crank.
I like mine in the LV steel plate and like it.
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