Turning a bathroom into a refrigerator with a window A/C unit

Long story short, I’ve got some projects coming up where I need to maintain a consistent temp around 45 F for a few days. Only way I know how to do that is in a fridge, or possibly by turning my extra 1/2 bath (small) into a cooler using a window a/c unit.
I think most window a/cs now a days have thermostat control and some of them are digital. I’m thinking I’ll need one with some kind of non-digital dial type control. Rewire the thermostat to remain a closed circuit so that the a/c cools whenever it gets power. Then put a separate thermostat in-line with the power cord and control the temp that way.
Questions are… Anyone see a problem with this setup? I wonder if it would harm an a/c to have ~45 F / 7 C intake air?
Ummmm...is there a woodworking question here? Perhaps you were looking for Fine HVAC?
Come over here, you will only need to set the heat a 45 F.
My attached garage has been a steady 42 degrees for the last couple of months.
Refrigeration, including AC units, run the cooling coil 15 to 20 degrees colder than the air they are cooling. If the air is 70, the coil will be 55 to 60. If you want 45 degree room air, the coil will be 30 to 25, if the compressor can even pull pressures low enough to get the coil that cold (it was designed to pump pressures needed for 70 degree air). But assuming it can, the coil would freeze up. No air would get through it and the compressor would seize from liquid refrigerant going back to it and diluting the oil.
But you can try.
It is most unlikely that a window unit would be able to cool to that level. They are simply not designed for it, and most will not cool below 16c never mind the 7 or so you need to reach. Most will ice up if you try it, and break. Quickly.
You will also find your bathroom will not be well enough sealed to achieve these temperatures and will simply leak heat in.
If you need that sort of temperature, you can achieve far better control by buying an old chest freezer and hooking up a thermostat as you describe. These are easy to make or buy and the freezer will not care about intermittent power.
I would love to know your plans though if you are planning to cut up bodies, I hear that a Saw Stop is not the thing to use.
It sounds more like a meth lab.
ROFLMAO!!! As I always ask: "Where would 'Gallows Humor' be without the occasional hangin'?"
Most restaurants are looking for revenue these days. Try renting space in their walk-in cooler.
I can think of no worse thermal insulator than a ceramic tile wall. Wait, maybe steel.
As BeasleySevin already said, try contacting a restaurant nearby. So it will be way more relaxing for you and you can help someone who really needs help nowadays!
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