This probably belongs in the Cafe, but I can’t figure out how to get in anymore.
No kidding, I was in the middle of a job and suddenly realized nearly every tool in the shop was dull. Table saw blade, handsaws, drill bits, lathe tools, daddo cutters, band saw and worse of all all the planes and about a third of the chisels.
It was kind of spooky. I never had that happen before. I guess I am dropping my next paycheck off at the saw doctor.
You notice any mushrooms growing in your shop?
It's the gremlins man, they come in and move stuff around, break the graphite in all your pencils, put all the powertools slightly out of square, and now they've learned how to dull the tools, GREAT.
I'm working on a gremlin trap, I'll let you know when I have it done and send you some plans. LOL.
Don't cut yourself with all those dull tools, sometimes they're more dangerous than the sharp ones because they require greater force.
Good Luck,
Sounds nightmarish to me.
Were you on vacation and somebody came in and used your tools... LOL...
I just brought two band saw blades, two 10 inch table saw blades, a set of planer knives and the stack dado cutters in to sharpen. I realize now that I hadn't sharpened the dado set since I bought them in 1989. I bought a new blade for the circular saw, replaced my crappy, dull drill bits and will get the stones out and sharpen the half dozen planes and 20 or so chisles I own.
Guess I need to get in the shop more often.
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