I have read different things about how to use Bartley’s Gel Varnish (or any wiping varnish for that matter). Some say there is no need to sand in between coats and others say to apply two coats and then sand to 320 and then to apply as many coats as you want without sanding in between these subsequent coats. What do you say about applying gel varnish? I have used it on a coffee table previously and I really love the look of the gel stain but I want to ensure I am applying it in the optimum manner.
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Gil Bailie
This shows how subjective finishing is. I would think those applying numerous coats without sanding would be doing so before it had the chance to cure fully
My gut feeling would be to put on one or two coats and then sand lightly to flatten it out and give it "tooth" for subsequent coats. If the first coat goes on and doesn't shrink into the wood significant, I would probably give that a light sanding and then proceed.
Concerning " the optimum way" Ask ten people and you'll get ten different optimum ways.
If you are quite pleased with your results, ..................................
Peter Gedrys
Thanks Peter,
I had pretty much decided to give a light sanding after 2 coats and that is actually the stage I am at right now...Regards,
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." Gil Bailie
Peter,I have been using Bartley's Gel Varnish for about five years now and I always go
over each coat with #0000 steel wool and get wonderful results.I have also found that "3" is the magic number, meaning that I need at least 3 coats
to achieve that wonderful satin look. It's really an amazing finish!Good Luck!Billboy
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