Using MinWax Fast drying Polyurethane for floors

I just used Semi Gloos MinWax fast drying poly on my floors. portions of the floor look gorgeous. However there were a few spots I missed so I applied a coat of the poly the next day and the places I applied the product now appear dull and almost grey looking. What did I do wrong….most of the floor looks stunning.
How did you prepare your floors for the poly--sanding, cleaning, etc. What grit sandpaper did you use to prepare for the additional coat? Poly requires sanding between coats. I'm not quite sure how this works with your particular problem. What exactly do the misses spots look like. Are you completely sure these are places you missed with your applicator, or could they be places where finish pulled back leaving the bare spot. In that case the problem would be contamination on the floor initially, leading to a problem called fisheye--fisheye doesn't always look like round fisheyes either.
I suspect you misread the part about sanding in Minwax's tecnical data sheet or FAQs. Sanding IS required before applying oil based varnish, both initially and between coats. Mineral spirits alone is not always enough cleaning--often you also need to use a soap and water cleaning. (Very light soap--a amount of Dawn in water, and rinsed with clear water. Damp not really wet. Of course, waiting for it to dry is needed.
What was the prior finish on the floors? Why did the floors need to be refinished, but weren't in such a condition that you didn't feel the need to sand them.
Posted in error.
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