Veneering Drawer Fronts with Crotch Mahogany

I’m constructing a 12 drawer chest of drawers out of African Mahogany. It’s come time to make the drawers — the drawers will be maple with the fronts veneered with Crotch Mahogany. I have the crotch but not sure if I need to flatten it any more. This is my first attempt at any type of veneering; I’ve read many articles but this is my first practical application.
Any advice on whether I need t flatten or how to go about doing that? If I use a flattening solution, do I let the veneer dry completely or can I can apply the solution and glue up the front at the same time? Thanks for any advice.
The following two YouTube videos, show a drawer being veneered with crotch mahogany. It also shows how to flatten the veneer. In the video, the veneer is applied vertically, but the same procedure would work for horizontal applications.
Rob Millard
Great videos in my opinion.
I use a steam iron to do this work.. Any opinions on why not to use steam?
Thank you for the help -- the videos are very helpful; I hope I can make it look as easy as you do!
I'm not clear on thinning the glue; do you use white vinegar or water or both? I'm new to hide glue also; what's a good supplier?
Thanks again.
Thanks again; I'm looking forward to getting started.
hide glue and veneer
You might want to do a little practice BEFORE you do the figured stuff.
Here's a good site to look at and I can tell you first hand-- Patrick Edwards knows a little about hide glue. Take a moment and check this video on glue
I just finished a bit of veneer work with crotch walnut applied to drawer fronts. You can view a bunch of photos of the project if it is of interest. If you have questions, send word.
Thanks for the links. Your drawer fronts look great!
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