Vertical or horizontal panel raising bit
I will need a panel raising bit early next year for a small cabinet. I’m a little leary of the large diameter horizontal panel raising bits because of the tip speeds. I’d clearly have to get a speed control. I see the vertical bits and they would be easy to use. My router is in a wing of the table saw and I already have a tall auxilliary fence. I’d use a vertical bit with finger boards and lots of shallow cuts.
Has anyone tried both? What’s your opinion? I’m especially interested in why you like or dislike one more than the other.
Thanks. I’m glad you folks are out there to try some of these new things.
Without variable speed you must use the vertical bits. The 2-3/4" and 3-1/2" horizontals give the best finish and are easiest to use since the panels run flat on the table but you have to get the RPMs down to 10k-12k. Horizontals also allow you to make arched panels. The disadvantages of the vertical are that the material can be difficult to control on edge, The finish will be slightly rippled and you are limited to straight edges (cathedral arches are not possible). HTH.
Charles M
Freud, Inc.
"Vertical" bits in a horizontal router table will eliminate the control difficulties Charles notes. Still can't do arched panels with them, though.
I've successfully ran a horizontal bit at 25,000 rpm. You have to make several light passes until you reach your desired depth. It is better to use the slower speeds, but sometimes you can't.
successfully... perhaps, but safety is another issue with that much rotating mass
You are correct, but at the time I had no problems. You have to make sure you do light passes over the spinning bit.
Edited 11/17/2002 1:32:56 PM ET by Lar
You're right that safety is the concern with a bit that large spinning so fast. Another related concern is that the feed rate required for a 3-1/2" bit spinning at over 12000RPM is too fast for hand feeding (if you try to hand feed the material at a comfortable rate the bit will dull prematurely and the material could burn).
Charles M
Freud, Inc.
I use Freid bits and have used the panel raising one with luck by making three cuts not one at lowest speed of your router. Just shim up your table with some 1/8 hardboard with double sided tape.
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