I am using OSMO polx oil 3054 for the first time on a walnut (air dried) bench seat. Two very good articles here. Their processes are directionally the same but one uses two slurry passes and the other one slurry pass.
I finished one coat on the underside of my walnut seat tonight with the Follen method. It looks great but I noticed I still have a lot of open pores. Maybe I did not create enough slurry? Anyone have experience with these to approaches? I am going to experiment with a second coat using each method on half of the seat underside. Will see how it turns out.
I use the the same product and Follen method, and am pleased with the results. It does leave some open grain/pores but I like the muted look without it being plasticky. I much prefer the finish to the minwax wipe-on poly I used for years before. I guess try samples of both methods and see what you like?
I tried both methods on the back of my 18”x30” panel. Did a slight modification to the FWW approach on first pass which may not have been fair comparison, but sanding off after pore filling was problematic and seemed dull afterwards. Preferred the results of Follen. Anyone apply a dark wax to OSMO after it dries?
I was really excited to find this, as I'm wanting to pore fill walnut using osmo polyx.
However... as far as I can tell there seems to be no way to access the follen link, now. The url redirects to a different company, and I can't find any cached versions of the original site.
That said, would anyone be able to elaborate a little more on what the follen method is?
I used the Soto method to finish the top of a walnut table I built at the Bennett School last fall. I used Minwax Tung Oil finish rather than Osmo because it is what I had. I have now become more familiar with Osmo and will probably switch to that (despite the cost).
Soto calls for two passes on the processes. I found that the second pass improved the outcome.
I applied Renaissance wax with 0000 steel wool. The final finish was smooth and moderately shiny. A very nice finish for walnut.
Beautiful job … the finish looks fantastic!! I loved having you in class. bennettsfinewoodworking.com
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