Hi all – I have a wood radiator cover that covers my AC / heater and also acts as a window sill. Over the past few weeks, it’s been very cold and I’ve been waking up to a lot of condensation on the window and wood panel that pools over night (I always wipe it up ASAP). I noticed two raised spots in the wood (shown below, slight bumps where the wood meets the window in symmetrical spots). Any thoughts on what is causing this? Is it likely the window sweating? It’s not bad now, but I wouldn’t want it to get worse. Oddly, I’ve been here for 3 winters now and this has never happened before, and it’s not happening on any of the other windows. Any thoughts?
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You've got heat on one side, cold on the other; wet one side, and dry on the other. Wood really, really hates that.
This is likely a veneer over particle board, the water entered under the veneer and the cardboard like core is expanding. It will need to dry throughly and caulking along the edge should keep water from re entering.
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