I am renovating an old house with a wood trimmed bathroom window in the shower. The wood (very old growth pine or fir) has been stripped, but removing it or replacing it with a synthetic material is not an option. What is the best way to waterproof the window trim without painting it?
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Marine varnish by a company that caters to the actual marine (boat owning) crowd. Interlux is a brand that I have used and held up well in a salt water environment. Stay away from household and box store brands or you'll be re-doing the work too soon.
I would definitely also look into Wood Hardener (Product by Minwax) or some form of rot restoration product.
Thanks, FiveBirdsCustom. I am familiar with wood hardener. Do you apply the wood hardener first and then varnish??
BTW, the wood has already been conditioned and stained.
Thank you _MJ_ !
My experience is that Minwax Wood Hardener is an utterly useless product. Just useless. I've used RotFix on outdoor window sills that were a little soft. It's a really thin epoxy that soaks into the punky wood. On sound wood, it wouldn't do anything.
If your wood is old growth and in good shape, you can't harden it, condition it, or anything else. A really good marine varnish from a boat supply outfit, as mentioned above, is the best you can do.
Interesting. I've used Wood Hardener with good results. But, I've been curious about RotFix.
So, hey, I would be more than willing to use RotFix instead of Wood Hardener. John_C2 seems to have some good experience here.
Thanks John_C2! I'll check out Rotfix for some upcoming exterior window work. As for the interior - marine varnish it is!!
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