Hi Everyone – This is my first time posting as I’m completely at a loss on what went wrong with my finishing. I’m a brand new woodworker and was following the finishing from this article – https://www.woodcraft.com/blog_entries/the-pennsylvania-spice-box-project-with-kyle-meyer
I sanded to 220, then 2 coats of Waterlox Tung Sealer then 2 coats of General Finishes Semi-Gloss. I sanded with a 220 sponge between each coat. At this point it looked beautiful and I was excited to give it a final wax polish and give to my wife as a present.
However, the Black Bison Neutral Wax Polish dried white and cloudy all over. I’m utterly confused as to how this happened and why I can’t wipe it off. I would appreciate any help or insight as to why this happened and how I can salvage this box. Thank you!!
Well, I am not familiar with this brand of wax but. I do believe you let it dry on the surface too long prior to rubbing it out. You could try?????? Could, I don't know how well it would work since I don't know the product. But you could warm it with a torch from a distance to see if you can heat the wax, then buff the heck out of it. I would be interested to know how you remedy this.
Thanks so much for the reply! I do think it may be that I let it dry in the cold weather and that caused it to freeze or harden, etc before it could be fully absorbed or rubbed into the wood. I briefly tried to heat up a corner with a lighter so I could melt and buff the wax but to no avail. I may try a wax/finish removal product?
Of FFS, it's wax, not voodoo. Buff it. It will be fine.
Torches? Cabinet scraper? Really? Don't over-complicate it. It's wax. It gets shiny if you rub it enough. If you want to start over, wipe it with acetone and start over.
20 years detailing yachts. Wax is easy. Don't go to woodworkers for finishing tips for the same reason you don't go to a mechanic for a paint job. They all think they know, but most of them don't know anything.
Did you let the tung oil finish cure completely?
It takes a while to polymerise.
Buffing wax heats it so it softens and spreads. You have nothing to lose from trying to buff it out.
Waterlox is a varnish.
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