What do you do with your saw dust.
OK the dust collector attached to the TS is full and the portable vacuum is also full. I usually put it into contractor bags and bring it to the dump.
What do you do with your saw dust.
OK the dust collector attached to the TS is full and the portable vacuum is also full. I usually put it into contractor bags and bring it to the dump.
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Check with a couple of local mechanics, they might use it to soak up fluids that spill on the floor. It is what I do with mine, they take all I can produce>
Fast Eddie
In the woods behind my house along with leaves, branches, grass clippings etc...
Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with chalk, cut it with an ax.
In the woods behind my house along with leaves, branches, grass clippings etc...
ditto. Or rather, in the "back 40" at north end of my property.
"Back 40" that's what I call it sometimes... How many know what it means?Mark
Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with chalk, cut it with an ax.
I do a combination - I compost most of it, use it to lighten soil, roll it up in newspaper and use it as starter logs in my fireplace.
For all of that I only use good wood chips and dust. If I have cut anything that has preservatives - I put in the recyling.
1 - measure the board twice
2 - cut it once
3 - measure the space where it is supposed to go
4 - get a new board and go back to step 1
I have a large section of my yard that the previous owners used as a volleyball court.....They brought in beach sand for this. No too much grows there now so I dump all my sawdust & planer shavings out there. Its going to take awhile but I might actually get something to grow there some day.
Wicked Decent Woodworks
(oldest woodworking shop in NH)
Rochester NH
" If the women dont find you handsome, they should at least find you handy........yessa!"
I never use treated wood so all my saw dust goes to mulching around my fruit trees after fertilizing. I have a chicken coop which I load up also and the birds eat and poop out everything at least ten times making a great garden soil or compost pile starter. The ash from burning hardwoods (especially oak and mesquite) is awesome for fruit and flower growth....... Aloha, Mike
You should deal with the wood dust/shavings that I do.. I've hauled it out by the 30 yard dumpster full. I used to fill up the back of my pickup once or twice a week and haul it to a farm but a few loads of black walnut stopped that.. then I hauled it into the woods nearby untill my neighbor complaned about the path I was wearing in their lawn..
Now I just pay the disposal fees and have it hauled off by the garbage collector. He makes my place the last stop on his route and hauls off whatever will fit into his truck before heading to the landfill.
If I generated that much dust Id look at turning it into pellets. The machinery cant be too complicated and I think they are compressed with wax. There are a lot of people using pellet stoves now and those pellets arent cheap. Seems someone at Ajax Pellet Co keeps calling for a quote on cord wood and adjusts their prices accordingly. Then again maybe there isnt as much sawdust in the US as we assume since the Chineese seem to be making everything.Wicked Decent Woodworks
(oldest woodworking shop in NH)
Rochester NH
" If the women dont find you handsome, they should at least find you handy........yessa!"
Cherry John,
I'm generating that much because I'm building a timber frame,, I buy all my wood at dirt cheap prices and do the planning, jointing, shaping etc.. myself thereby saving hundreds of thousands of dollars.. When this timber frame is done so will my wood working career be done..
Why in God's name anybody would go to all the effort of turning shavings into pellets is beyond me, I can buy several cords (full cords not face cords) of hardwood slab wood for 30 dollars. It's only a few minutes work to turn it all into fireplace sizes with a chainsaw. I spend much more time just stacking it up..
I get wood that's gone thru the debarker because there is an astonishing amount of ash in the bark plus that's where all the dirt, bugs and etc are.
Making pellets would require a constant supply of shavings, wax , (or whatever the binder is) and a whole bunch of electricity to run the machinery..
Where do you live that you can get stove wood that cheap? Here in NH a cord of green costs about $120 and dried will set you back about $150+ depending on how much you buy and when you buy it. You have to, by law, sell cord wood by the cu ft here. No face cords...a cord is 128 cu ft.Wicked Decent Woodworks
(oldest woodworking shop in NH)
Rochester NH
" If the women dont find you handsome, they should at least find you handy........yessa!"
Mine goes to a local farmer. He uses it in his chicken coop, and for mulch in his orchard.
Spread it out over gardening area's where we don't want weeds etc. to grow. Decomposing wood is a nitrogen burner, so it will kill vegetation if the smothering alone does not do it.
Actually I am intrigued by several dust collectors I have seen that compact the shavings into brickets that can be burned in a wood stove. As this is how I heat my shop, it would be great to someday do this. Would be interested in talking to anyone who is using such.
Thanks for all you comments. As I expected everyone does something a little different based on circumstances.
thanks again
I put it all in a pile near the shop and my wife uses it in gardens as mulch. I also put it on paths in our woods area.
I live out in the country so is there a way to set up a vaccum system to just dump it outside instead of bagging it and carrying it outside. If it was all in a nice pile then my wife could get all she wants and put it where ever she wants it. Basiclly I am lazy and dumping the bags reminds me of taking out trash for my wife.
Dust goes in the compost. Jointer shavings go under chickens. PT or MDF dust goes in the trash. Scraps go in the BBQ pit.
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