What is this small part (in a Buffet table) called?

Hi! I’m trying to fix my buffet table and it’s missing a small part that hold a wood panel in place (four of these holding a penal at its four corners).
Here are two pictures from different angles. What’s the name of this part and where could I possibly find something similar?
Thanks a lot.
Shelf pin.
Choose wisely when you buy a replacement. They come in a few different shapes and sizes.
...or just buy 4 to make sure they match. The critical part is the pin diameter.
Thank you!
Shelf support
Shelf pin
As stated, pin size is the determining factor. Some are standard fractional and some are metric.
Far and away the two most common sizes are 1/4" and 5mm. Yours is most likely one or the other. Break out your calipers and measure. If you don't have calipers, hold a 1/4" or 5mm drill bit next to it and match it up. They are available at your local Woodcraft store.
My local hardware store has them. They're used in kitchen shelving and many other places as well.
Metric system is a communist plot you know.....1/4" are probably available at your local hardware store. 5mm less likely but still maybe. Many things come from overseas now and the whole world is metric. US stores are catching on,hell, it's only taken them 50 years!
Around here they are either 1/4" or 3/16"... 3/16" = about 4.75mm... Depending on source the 5mm pins and 3/16" pins work reasonably well interchangeably.
if you don't find this part. It can be fixed with a fastening metal corner.
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