I’ve never figured out what number plane this is. It’s either a No 41, No 42, No 43 or No 44. I appreciate the help.
I’ve never figured out what number plane this is. It’s either a No 41, No 42, No 43 or No 44. I appreciate the help.
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Holes in skate make it a 41 or 42.
Metal apears to make it a 41. This guy below has some decent pictures.
Hope that helps.
don't really know but,dam, that's pretty! i have an older #45 with all of the attachments and cutters. i bought it years ago mostly because it's nice to look at. do you have all of the components that go along with that one? very nice. i have not attempted to use mine. i think that it is no small feat to tune, set up and use one.
http://www.supertool.com/StanleyBG/stan0a.htmlAll you've ever or never wanted to know about Stanley planes...
Thanks for the info. Someone informed me that it's actually a No 141 Bull Nose Plow Plane missing the fillester as well as some other parts.
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