I have long used a sheet goods product I called hard board (Masonite?). Some called it “tempered hardboard”. It’s about 1/4″ thick and works great for templates and drawer bottoms. Neither of my loccal Lowes carry it any longer.
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I still see it, everywhere. Check a lumber yard, rather than a Lowes?
There are two types. One has a waffles texture on the back, and is softer. The "tempered" hardboard is smooth on both sides. It's harder, and better for templates. There is also a white-coated version, which I like for gluing up messy things on top of.
I see 1/8, 3/16, and 1/4" versions at my lumberyard.
I can get it at Lowe's.
If you're looking for 2'x4' panels, Home Depot sells a 5-pack for $63, but you have to order from the website
1/4” Tempered smooth both sides is available in our stores.
Same problem with my Lowes. I find it at Home Depot though.