Where to get veneer backer paper?

The title says it all. Typing ‘veneer backer paper’ into google hardly yields a thing. I’d like to find 30-40 mil if possible. Thanks for any leads.
EDIT: I’ve just learned applying actual veneer backer paper requires temps and pressures no achievable by a home practitioner. So what other ways can I take a raw veneer and make it flat using modified urea resin glue (arriving soon)? I’ve been told using a cheaper veneer as a backer works as well. Any other paper-like options out there?
Not sure your goal but if you search veneer flatner you will find mix your own or commercial solutions.
I don't use flattening solution or anything else for my burls and figured veneers. I really have no problems with the veneer. I would suggest running a test with the veneer and the glue to see if you need to flatten or condition it first.
Why are you trying to get backer paper? Please explain exactly what you're trying to do.
If the veneer is warped you can try gluing it down using in a vac press or clamped in platens. That's risky. It's much better to use a veneer softener and clamp the veneer flat prior to using.
Look up Tom McLaughlin a great master craftsman. He did a session on relaxing veneer that will be of help to you. I believe you can find his sessions on YouTube under Epic Woodworking. He has done several different presentation so you will need to sort through to find the one you are interested in.