Does anyone know where Delta products are made, specifically DJ20 jointer?
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I believe the current DJ-20 is made/assembled in China. The majority of Delta products is made in China or Taiwan. They do have a Tupelo, Mississippi facility, but the range of output from there seems to be getting smaller with each passing year.
Mike -
Both my DJ20 jointer and Unisaw say "Made in USA" with the American flag. But from what I understand, all that's required to qualify for that type of labeling is to have some (don't know how much) of the assembly take place here in the US. I could be wrong about that, though. Bought both about two or three years ago.
From Beautiful Skagit Co. Wa.
You might want to go to this site ( for the government's control of "Made in USA" statements.Howie.........
According to an owner review on, his was not made in the USA.
I'm surprised, I thought their high-end stuff was still made in USA. My Unisaw, a few (~3) years old now, was made in Mississippi. 'wonder if they still are.
I know the majority of Delta brand products are made in China or Taiwan, but don't let the Made In China scare you, they actually have to follow the manufacturing guidelines set down by Delta Machinery. Most products are pretty durable, however like anything you are going to get a few exceptions.
Mostly China, or Chiner, as our British friends like to say.
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