I sent the e-mail requesting admission, I got one back saying I was granted premission to both the Cafe and the Tavern but when I come here there is no cafe. The Tavern is there when I go to Breaktime.
I sent the e-mail requesting admission, I got one back saying I was granted premission to both the Cafe and the Tavern but when I come here there is no cafe. The Tavern is there when I go to Breaktime.
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Me too, I thought I had both covered, they were there yesterday afternoon. This morning the cafe is gone. Oh well, back to the tavern, I'm done with coffee anyway. Time for a beer and a fistfight. <g>
this is strange....
I sent the required email -- did not receive any acknowledgement -- and the Cafe stuff appears exactly as it did before. Same with the Tavern at Breaktime.
I'm guessing they are still in transition.
My apologies, not sure what happened there as I added you myself. At this point I have checked and there should be no issues with access if there is shoot me an email forumhelp@taunton.com and I will make sure its gets straightened out. -Mark
I'm still looking for the cafe myself...haven't been able to find it yet. I sent a request last night and was wondering if it's been handled yet?? Is there some way to notify me??? Thanks in advance....Hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast, SHOW NO MERCY!!!
Your account has been updated, if you stay logged in try logging out then back it. If that fails try shutting down your browser then logging back in... You should see it now all the way at the bottom. -MarkSYSOPForumhelp@taunton.com
thanks..I just wasn't trying to log on properly...sorry, but thanks for your attention....appreciate it....Hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast, SHOW NO MERCY!!!
Youre most welcome. -MSYSOPForumhelp@taunton.comHave you updated your forum profile lately? Please Do!
Have you logged out and logged back in?
Re-started your browser?
Re-booted your computer?
Power cycled your computer?
Thanks Unc, I did as you suggested and there it was.LeeMontanaFest
Me too, duh. I'll be quiet now.Lefty - Lurker without an attitude or a clue
Congrats on being on the cover of Woodshop News!
Dave, it's quite an honor,LeeMontanaFest
Cafe and the Tavern ... geeee...
It's Tauntons call BUT... Geeeeeeeee... You had to click there to go there..
What was the problem with that?? Nobody forced you to go there.. Or am I missing something?
The problem was that, at times, the amount of non-woodworking posts exceeded the posts related to the purpose of the Forum. The list of 'Current Discussions' at the top of the page could be filled with political and social commentary posts and nothing on woodworking. I, for one, agree with Taunton changing the access. I participate in other woodworking forums that limit the discussion to just that: woodworking. Anyone who wishes to post political comments gets a hand slap and then gets banished if they continue.
There are plenty of political forums around. Why not participate in one of those if you feel the need to exchange ideas in that realm?
Bill Arnold - Custom Woodcrafting Click Here if you're interested in a good,inexpensive website host.
Food for Thought: The Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.
Bill.. Geeeeeeeeee
I was just thinking again and gets me in trouble..
I just liked to look at the the rants and NOT get involved!
"The problem was that, at times, the amount of non-woodworking posts exceeded the posts related to the purpose of the Forum." Bill, I respectfully disagree with your diagnosis of the problem. The cafe was never, AFAIK, intended only (or even predominantly) for WWing discussions -- that's why it's a cafe! The problem was the tenor of the posts -- ranging from incivility to extreme vitriol.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
"... The cafe was never, AFAIK, intended only (or even predominantly) for WWing discussions -- that's why it's a cafe! ..."
I couldn't agree more. The FORUM is Knots; it includes a folder called 'Cafe' along with 'General Discussion', 'Gallery', etc., folders. The roll-up at the top left of the screen includes the most recent discussion topics; many times, the roll-up was nothing but off-topic items. Knots is a woodworking Forum; why not keep it on-topic as much as possible?
On a related note: sometimes I wonder about us humans. I've been spending more time on another Forum because of its more professional tone. The different discussion areas are individual folders (General Woodworking, Design, etec.), including an 'Off Topic' folder. Today, some guy posted a response to an off-topic post in the Off Topic folder and seemed to complain (mildly) that the topic was not woodworking. Yeah, well dummy, the folder says 'Off Topic'! The point is, on that Forum one has the option of peeking at the Off Topic issues or avoiding the folder altogether. The Knots Forum forced them on you, making you wade through garbage to get to the sawdust.
From the tone of some of the posts in this thread and another one, it seems that the minority (those who insisted on keeping the Cafe) feel, once again, that the majority (those who voted to confine the Cafe) don't know what we're doing and need someone else to lead down the merry lane. Ah, well...as I said...we humans are amazing creatures.
Bill Arnold - Custom Woodcrafting Click Here if you're interested in a good,inexpensive website host.
Food for Thought: The Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.
"includes the most recent discussion topics" Ahhhh, there's where we differ. I don't pay much attention to that, so the predominance of one topic or another never gets my attention.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
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