I need to get one, Looking for a 110V floor or table type. Used for drill hinges, sanding and morticing. looking to spend 400 or less if possible. I am looking for some hands on experiences.
I need to get one, Looking for a 110V floor or table type. Used for drill hinges, sanding and morticing. looking to spend 400 or less if possible. I am looking for some hands on experiences.
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Hi, they just dont seem to make drill presses like they used to and I could not find an AFFORDABLE one that also seemed heavy duty enough, so with a lot of patience I searched ebay and tool auctions till I found an old South Bend 14" model for $200, then had to degrease, prime and paint it, then buy new motor and belt, but sure was worth the wait to avoid the cheap china imports, and get good old fashioned cast iron ond steel! Northern too however had some interesting looking models reasonably priced. Good luck! Sorry I cant recommend anything specific, but dont rush and you will be rewarded!
Harbor Freight. Got one 15 years ago and still going strong.
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