Who makes the best 1.5 H dust collector
I am currently in the market for a basic dust collector. I have a small shop (third stall in my garage). I have read a number of comments in Knots and <!—-><!—-><!—->Taunton <!—-><!—->’s 2007 Tool Guide. I am looking for real user feedback. I am considering the “top rated” Penn State 1.5 HP model DC2V2 for $329.00, Penn State 2HP model DC2000B (220V) for $259.00, Delta 1.5 HP model 50-850 for $330.00, and the Jet 1.5 HP model DC-1100A for $325.00. Any comments will be appreciated.
Hi blade, I dont have any of the ones that your asking, but I have the Delta 50-760 1.5HP wich in the following article is better rated than the Delta 50-850 , plus it haves a 1 micron bag.
So far Im happy with it, I have it permanently conected to my "8 jointer and 13" benchtop planer with no blast gates and it still haves enought suction to capture most of the dust using one machine at a time.
the Only modification that I did was get rid of the grill in front of the impeller.
If you are going to plane and face joint a lot of wood I definetely recomend you to get something to make it 2 stage like a Cyclone trash can lid, or get a cartidgre filter instead of the usual bag(I have to say that I havent tryied any of those), Im starting to plane and face joint a lot of wood and the upper bag wich is suposed to filter the air gets cloged with a lot of sawdust to the point that it losses a lot of suction.
hope this helps!.
I have had the Delta 1.5HP collector (50-850) for several years and it has worked well in my 16 X 24 shop. It is mounted in a small addition outside the shop and has a 6" pipe going through the wall from the blower. From there, I mounted the Y-branch to the wall, with a short length of flex pipe going to PVC piping, mounted approx. 16" up from the floor half-way around the shop perimeter. I have the jointer/planer machine closest to the collector, with the longest run going to the tablesaw.
This machine has served me well so far. My only problem is emptying the bottom bag and trying to remount it again. I plan to upgrade mine with one of the cannisters to replace the upper bag, and attach plastic garbage bags to collect the chips/dust for easier emptying.
Good luck with your decision.
Grizzly sells the Jet 2 hp for $295 I've had one now for two years and it sure sucks ! ;-) The bags fill up quickly when I hook it to my 20 inch planner and really go at it. on the other hand if I'm doing most other tasks like sawing or shaping the bag takes a lot longer to fill..
I'm a belt and suspenders kinda guy I have not only a dust collecter but a shop air filter.. I really dislike wearing a mask..
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