I decided I need a good woodworking calendar for my shop. Anybody know of a vendor that puts out a good one?
I decided I need a good woodworking calendar for my shop. Anybody know of a vendor that puts out a good one?
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makita? snap-on? exactly what are you seeking in the way of artwork- or is that not your main point of interest?
I saw one a couple years ago that was beautiful. When I had my first appointment with the surgeon who did my shoulder-repair in 2001, there was a gorgeous calendar on his wall with classic planes. While I was waiting (and waiting), I looked through it and copied the web address from the back. But, sad to say, that address led nowhere. Now, I can't remember what it was (must have been the anesthesia). I'll do a little general searching and see what pops up.
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Edited 10/18/2003 11:38:15 AM ET by forestgirl
Hawaiian Tropics has a pretty cool calender
Estamos ganando detrás el estado de Calif. Derrotando a un #### a la vez. DESEA VIVO LA REVOLUCIÓN
Hmmmmph, not finding anything so far. Sounds like it might be a good item for Taunton to produce for 2005. How many of us would buy one at, say, $9.95 - $14.95 (envision beautiful color plates of classic tools, artists in motion, etc.)?
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Lie-Nielson had a very nice calendar last year.Tom
Douglasville, GA
Jamie: I keep hoping that Delta will come out with one showing a diffrent"Delta Girl" & Power tool each month....
ToolDocProud Member of the Delta & Klein Tradesman Club & Milwaukee HD Club & Knots Bad Boys & Girls Club..
A Non ~ Member of the Knots Bandsaw Guru Club..
Careful now, I'll tell Splintie on ya!forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Lee Valley Tools puts out a fine calender every year - proceeds to charity - but maybe only in Canada.
Good idea, Corners. Here's the place to go -- 2004's aren't in yet, but soon evidently.http://www.leevalley.com/gifts/page.asp?SID=&ccurrency=2&page=44293&category=4,104,45472forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
The most durable item I own from Ridgid is their calendar...reusable every 6, 11, 12, 28 or 40 years depending on the year!
...just can't let a discussion on Ridgid or calendars pass without a Ridgid calendar reference!
tony b.
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