Hi, woodworkers talk about using a dead blow hammer. What is the advantage of a dead blow hammer over a wooden mallet? Why are they suppose to be better.
Thanks cherry 42
Hi, woodworkers talk about using a dead blow hammer. What is the advantage of a dead blow hammer over a wooden mallet? Why are they suppose to be better.
Thanks cherry 42
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A dead blow hammer is filled with lead shot and does not bounce. The advantage is more force applied to the target, often combined with a soft face so that the added force does not damage the target.
Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
~ Denis Diderot
In addition to dgreen's comments, be careful about the force you apply when striking the workpiece!
The deadblow mallet will not dent/mar the surface of the piece, but it may well seriously damage it. I take apart chairs with a mallet, and have learned to use short, gentle strokes.
Hold your hand flat on a bench, let both a deadblow and a wooden mallet free fall from about 6", see the difference.
A dead blow hammer actually hits the workpiece twice. Once when the face of the deadblow contacts the face of the workpiece.
And a second time (without actually bouncing up first) when the shot inside the hammerhead strikes the inside of the face of the hammer. In general, the timing of this second blow is such that you will not see or feel two blows. Just the "one" that seems to have twice the force.
And as another poster mentioned -- please be at least twice as careful about hitting your fingers, because a deadblow WILL do at least twice as much injury.
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