I am attempting to teach myself proper use of turning tools
The old lathe has a home made banjo and a different T rest
When I set the T rest to center the post sticks down out of the banjo, when I need to bring it up close on something small dia. I have to raise it up above the ways. Then the T rest is to high.
I want to cut off the post off the T rest and think that I need it a little shorter so I can set it below center for face plate turning.
Hoping someone might have some advise on how far below center I will the rest need to adjust?
It should be easy to cut the rest is cast iron.
Surely the question you should ask yourself is how HIGH do I need the tool rest to go.That also defines what to cut off.I would think that if you can hold your thickest scraper on the rest horizontal and the top surface is a 1/4 to 3/8 inch below centre you will be ok
The post sticks out the bottom of the banjo- when I turn something smaller dia. or face plate work " when I need the rest on top of the lathe ways" the top of rest is way above center because the bottom of the rest post is sitting on top of the ways, the post is to long ,the rest was for a lathe with more swing.
Say when I am using a gouge to cut not scrape I know it needs to be below center to keep the bevel rubbing on the tool.
"below center"
The workpiece is round; you can get a tangent from any part of a circle; you could even take it across the top and around to the other side of the lathe, although if you did your cutting tool would be upside down. It may be more intuitive or easier to maniplulate the tool with the rest in a certain position, but you could conceivably do your work from any angle, right?
I tell you, we are here to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different. --K Vonnegut
Ron, before you cut it, get a metal sleeve, (Or bushing) with the inside diameter hole to fit the rest's shaft.
This way,by drilling and tapping for setscrews, you can always use it at the original height. Stein.
Cut the unwanted section at the center (Two cuts)
As you commented, cast iron is easy to cut. Why not take off a 1/4 or 3/8ths of an inch at a time, trying out the new height after each cut until you find what works.
Just checked the Powermatic lathe in the shop, when it is at it's lowest height, the top of the rest is 5/8ths of an inch below the centerline and nobody here has ever commented that they wished that they could set it any lower than that.
John W.
The height of the rest depends on the height of the operator , the height from the floor of the lathe center,and the type of work being done. I think the suggestion of cutting it off little by little is a good one. No harm can be done. Cleaarly some needs to be cut off.
find a shorter posted rest..then ya have two..
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