Hi Ernie do you know of any woodturning magazines available for subscription from Canada or the States like FWW. I have included a picture of my first attempt at a large bowl. It is made from Maple , it had a knot in the centre that is why the curly portion in the centre, it is also spalted around the rim also
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Dear Woodman,
Ernie may have other thoughts, but I'd like to weigh in with my 2 cents' worth. You can buy our special issue, "Woodturning Basics." Click on the "store" tab, then click on "turning."
Next would have to be a membership in the American Association of Woodturners. That includes a subscription to American Woodturner magazine.
Good luck,
David Heim
Managing Editor
Hi David thanks for the info. I bought that one and it is great,how often is the publication of turning basics?Have fun woodworking but respect your tools
"Woodturning Basics" was done as a one-of-a-kind special issue. But that doesn't necessarily mean it's the last thing we'll do on woodturning. We just aren't sure of the best ways for us to approach this subject in the future. Might be another publication, might be more content on the Web, or something altogether different.
Highly recommended would be American Woodturner, the magazine of the American Association of Woodturners. Their website is http://www.woodturner.org. (As an aside I might say that i am member # 0004 of this organization.) Another magazine is Woodturning Designs. While this provides lots of useful information to the beginner it is not of the quality of Fine Woodworking. It can be found at http://www.woodturningdesign.com. Finally there is a British publication Woodturning. I was the American correspondent for this fine publication for several years. The fly in the ointment, these days, is than an overseas subscription is nearly $100 in either of our respective currencies. Their web page is http://www.thegmcgroup.com/item--Woodturning-Magazine--1005WT.html.
With best regards,
Ernie Conover
I'm just starting in wood turning is there any tips I can know.
I am just starting out too, best thing I did was to go to ashleyhardwood.com and get her two online courses at the wood whisperer guild. Excellent course on spindle and bowl turning
For beginners, I recommend a solid diet of youtube. My wife calls it 'turn-porn' as I am glued to it for hours...
Some of my favourites are listed below. All of these are good solid turners with some fabulous ideas. If you watch enough then youtube will recommend others for you.
Mike Waldt - very good British chap with a lot of good, basic tutorials, including a good beginner series: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI_tt3HOlpZguB8ebtB4k1w
Olivier Gomis - mad Frenchman who turns amazing stuff. Fairly advanced but really well worth dreaming of that level of skill. Young too.
Nick Zametti - even madder Englishman who does great things with resin: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3-0S7vXfwYY2jj5EkMpymA
Frank Howarth - not all turning but well worth a subscription. Some great ideas which are not all that hard: https://www.youtube.com/user/urbanTrash
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