If you had to choose, which wood is better for a bench top, Beech or Maple?
I am looking at both of these woods and trying to weigh the advantages/disadvantages of both based on price, looks, availability, potential movement, and overall workability.
All opinions welcome and appreciated.
I would use hard maple, given either, no other limitations placed on the choice.
But that's just my personal preference. I don't think you would experience any difference in construction difficulty or usefulness whatsoever between the two woods.
As long as the construction is correct, a properly made maple or beech bench will serve a lifetime and more.
I've built and worked on both. There are differences in their mechanical properties and working characteristics. I believe beech is not as stong along the grain and has more flexibility than maple. But beech tends not to split i.e. its difficult to split with a wedge. It seems more isotropic.
All said, I would choose the wood that's cheaper or looks better (straighter grained, less sapwood, more quartersawn-like ring orientation) from the mill. The difference in mechanical properties seems to be in the noise.
Good luck with your bench,
I actually have 2 identical benches, one of beech and one of maple. They've been in use about 10 years, and I can't say which is preferable. Go with whichever is cheaper / more available.
Not to muddy the decision but I made my bench from both- alternating strips of of each. both are light in color but contrast nicely against each other. I found some nice timbers of highly figured hard rock maple to skirt the whole thing.
They both stand up to the day to day pounding equally well in my opinion.
good luck
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