I am seriously considering trying my hand with veneer.
I would like for some feedback about experience with veneer, vacuum press, contact veneer, and applying glue and ironing on the veneer.
I am seriously considering trying my hand with veneer.
I would like for some feedback about experience with veneer, vacuum press, contact veneer, and applying glue and ironing on the veneer.
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Just tried my hand at it for the first time,glued up some white oak,qtr sawn.
used fish glue then clamped between two sheats of mdf.Don`t forget wax paper over veneer.Had no bleed through and didn`t have to size it either.Turned out fantastic,I think if you had larg or curved panels then vacuum baging would be the way to go.
Good luck
As you know, one can get some really nice veneer at a price that makes practice affordable. Did you use thin(1/40) stock?
I looked on ebay and there is some fabulous looking African mahogany crotch veneer and I have been thinking about bidding on some and trying my hand at making some veneer panels.
I found some instructions on a website on how to apply glue to the veneer and then to the substrate. After the glue dries, the glued veneer is then ironed onto the glued substrate which activates the glue. I will have to find it again, but hope some Knots members have tried it already and can shed some light on the subject.
I am not familiar with fish glue. Is there any specific reason you used fish glue?
Coolbreeze stated:
"I found some instructions on a website on how to apply glue to the veneer and then to the substrate."
That website might be right here. Click "Fine Woodworking" button right under the TauntonPress logo above, then go to the "Online Features" down on the left side and then select "Online Video Tips". Now go down the center of the next page and select the video of "Preparing to Veneer MDF" and "Veneering MDF". Actually, this is a Part 1 and Part 2 of a longer video clip. (I just discovered the video's yesterday, and couldn't believe the wealth of info in them.)
BTW: In the above videos the author says to never put glue on the veneer or it will curl.
A friend of mine who is also a cabinet maker works at lee valley recomended it.You can also use reg glue but the open time is less.Also fish glue can be undone by wetting the surface well.
Check out the forum at vacupress.com. It is well worth the time.
Hi there,
I have a vacuum press, built with ideas from Joe Woodworker. I would also recommend a book called "Veneering: A Foundation Course" by Mike Burton. He outlines the "glue and iron" process of gluing both the veneer and substrate, letting them dry and then ironing the pieces together. Even though I have a press, I've been using the glue and iron process more and more simply because it is so simple and fast. I'm sure it's not ideal for every application, but it's worth trying.
Is this a great forum or what??
Joe Woodworker. I had forgotten all about his vacuum press instructions and kit supplies.
I will check on Mike Burtons Book.
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