I recall seeing an article in FWW some months ago regarding making chisels and other edge tools by Yeung Chan. I have searched the FWW index without any success. Does anybody recall which issue this article appeared in.
Thanks in advance
I recall seeing an article in FWW some months ago regarding making chisels and other edge tools by Yeung Chan. I have searched the FWW index without any success. Does anybody recall which issue this article appeared in.
Thanks in advance
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You can purchase Yeung Chan's signiture chisels from Lee Valley (called the Veritas Detail Chisels) http://www.leevalley.com/wood/page.asp?SID=&ccurrency=2&page=46035&category=1,41504
They also have one of his resent books (do a search under his name).
Hope that helps.
Dan Kornfeld, Owner/President - Odyssey Wood Design, Inc.
I'm pretty sure the article was not in FWW. I remember him mentioning the article, and it was in some magazine I don't subscribe to.
The American Woodworker index at http://www.americanwoodworker.com/awindex/index_k.htm has this entry under knives:
chisel, by Yeung Chan, 32:42
Thanks for you help!
There was an article in WOOD magazine featuring him on the front with a classical ming chair
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