The title of the box says it all…I dreamed of the design and had nightmares that it would come alive and chase me. It took four months of after work and weekends to finish but I wouldn’t have traded it for anything. The main body is box jointed along its length. The legs are doweled and have internal splines where they meet. I believe I wore my files and rasps to nubs making them. The drawers are double blind dovetailed. I also had to take a crash course in turning. After the final prep work it received an exoskeleton consisting of three coats of a hand rubbed BLO/Min Spirit/varnish mixture and two buffs of Briwax. The woods I used are Quilted Maple, Wenge, Bolivian Rosewood, Santos Rosewood, Claro Walnut, Figured Bubinga, Curly Maple, Curly Birch, Paduak, African Mahogany, Gaboon Ebony, African Blackwood, Purple Heart and Bicote. The drawers are lined in black, alligator print leather. Box size is 11″ x 11″ x 13″. I am a little nervous…nobody but family and friends has seen my work…I hope you like it.
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Very well done. Thank you for sharing!
I like it very much. You and your friends and family should be very proud, it's a great design.
Now THAT's thinking out side the box. Very unusual but I really like it.
Thank your very much for the compliments. Receiving them from fellow artists is very encouraging. And got it!. I had never really seen a box suspended by the legs so I had to design one. Also...absolutely beautiful humidors!
Wow! Great design and excellant execution. Your combination of wood species really works. Very nice. Thanks for sharing.
That is one cool box!!!
Absolutely Wonderful ........
I wish I had the imagination to even think of this ..... yet alone the skills to pull it off.
I give to you my sincere 'tip-of-the cap' and a very well done "Thumbs-Up" from the gray headed WW.
This is an incerdible imagintaive piece ..... I wish there was someway we could stay in touch past this contest.
Wow! I love it! Whimsical, practical, beautifully executed. The combination of woods are wonderful and compliment each other well. Your design is quite unique and extraordinary. Keep up the good work. I'd love to see more.
Well fellow has been an honor to be in this showcase of extraordinary talent. I want to graciously thank all that commented…it feeds my creativity more than you can believe.
And a big thank you to the two that watch over me in my basement…thank you Uncle Karl and Grandpa.
Best Idea & Workmanship I've Seen!! If U Plan On Making More For Selling Let Me Know.
Thank You,
Longhair1...Thank you very much for the compliments! I currently don't have plans to make more but you never know what the future holds (hopefully it still holds employment). All my designs are one-of-a-kind pieces but I loved making this one so I foresee new pieces sharing some of the design aspects . Having a computer savvy little brother I am hoping to have a website soon so watch for me in the future. Thank you again!!-Jeff
WOW!! So unique beautiful choice of colorful & figured woods!! Terrific job. Thank you so much for sharing.
Well done!
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