Perfect Bandsaw Table Alignment
In this quick video tip, Michael Fortune demonstrates his technique for table alignment.
Michael Fortune is a master of the bandsaw and he sharing 7 great quick tips for getting optimal use out of your bandsaw. For more information from Michael Fortune watch his bandsaw set up walk-through, then check out his instructional videos on resawing and cutting curves.
The importance of using a sharp bandsaw blade
Watch the other videos in this series here:
This is one FW's best video series so far. No annoying music, no hokey "production values," no tedious preamble. Just an expert showing useful tips, concisely with clear footage and smart editing. Also greatly appreciated is Michael's lucid speech. No "Uh's." No "Um's." No unfinished sentences.
This should be the new paradigm for video content. Give us more of this quality, less of the BS. Then I'll keep my subscription.
One thing is certain... watching a few guys sitting around talking about stuff is NOT good video content. The purpose of educational print and videography is to streamline information for fast digestion. It is NOT entertainment for anyone except rank tyros who are better served by reading a good book.
I wouldn't go so far as to threaten a termination of my subscription. There are many things that I've appreciated, down through the years, that I've acquired through my perusals of the magazine. As concerns the "guys sitting around and talking stuff," guys just generally operate that way anyway. However, though there is plenty of chaff from harvesting grain, there is also sufficient acquisition of grain to make it allworthwhile.
If you are a bonafide expert and think it's a waste of time listening, just switch to a different "channel." I've been in the game for over 40 years in scenery shops in New York, where we build everything for a show, including furniture scenery, stage maintainence, mechanical machinery for operating the scenery and so on. I have probably seen more than most woodworkers get to see. I don't mind putting up with guys chatting about the industry, swapping "would you believe this" stories and so on. It hasn't hurt my work and when it gets boring or something else more pressing calls, I just turn it off and pick it up later or go on to some other splinter and sawdust convocation.
However, I must agree with GoodGuy about this particular video, as well as others that Mr. Fortune has made about woodbending and other subjects. He has a lucid, flowing and all inclusive presentation that is a pleasure to experience. I even learned a trick out of this video, as well as a reminder of an item that I had forgotten. Well done and thank you for the presentation.
I am missing parts of the sound on some of Fortunes bandsaw videos.
One comment...For the last several years I have been using carbide tip blades on my bandsaw. Well worth the extra cost in every way from speed and smoothness of cut to keeping sharp almost forever.
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