Woodworking Projects and Plans: Chairs, Benches And Stools - Page 7 of 9
Shaker RockerMay 1, 2005
Build a Simple Side ChairDecember 1, 2003
Build a Sturdy FootstoolFebruary 1, 2002
A Post-and-Rung Stool with Round Joints Built to LastAugust 1, 2001
A Light Settee in CherryFebruary 1, 2001
The Lutyens Garden BenchAugust 1, 2000
Curved-Back Adirondack ChairJune 1, 1999
Oval Chippendale StoolApril 1, 1999
A Garden Bench for All SeasonsJune 1, 1998
Building a Basic StoolAugust 1, 1997