From Nothing To Something.
Creating using's Dream Shop Planner tool
When we moved to our new home five years ago I left a 400 sq ft shop for no shop at all. With no place to put an out building I had to get creative with what I did have. A three car carport that only had three closets at its front. So I closed off one and a third parking bays leaving enough room for our vehicles to still be out of the weather and the result was a cozy workshop with a doggie door into the side yard, a narrow french door turned sideways with a piano hinge as a window, and atrium doors into a covered drive that works great for moving saws and benches in and out during the beautiful Texas fall afternoons. I’m blessed to have so much, but my small benchtop drill press is inadequate and has a broken handle. I hope to have everything in ship shape when my son returns home this Christmas from his plebe year at the US Naval Academy and wants to start crafting handmade gifts with his father again.
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